Nov 29, 2021
Back by popular demand! We can’t—and we shouldn’t!—do everything. So we’re sharing 10 specific things we DON’T do anymore. This isn’t about copying our lists of don't do's—it’s about identifying the things you can take off your plate so you can do more of the things that light you up!
This episode is...
Nov 22, 2021
This is the fourth episode in our "How We Homeschool" series. We're talking with different homeschool parents all season to hear about their philosophies, insights, and experiences.
Deb Shin is a video games marketer turned homeschooler. Deb shares about her homeschool to unschool journey—from Charlotte Mason...
Nov 15, 2021
We're tackling a common homeschool conundrum: socialization. Listener Leigh writes, "A topic that is on my mind a lot is community and socialization. This topic feels a bit taboo in homeschool communities. We say, 'It's all socializing!' and don't address the very real needs of kids to have peers and a close group of...
Nov 8, 2021
This is the third episode in our "How We Homeschool" series. We're talking with different homeschool parents all season to hear about their philosophies, insights, and experiences.
Iris Chen is our guest this week, and we couldn’t be more excited! You might be familiar with Iris’s work on Instagram account
Nov 1, 2021
“How do I get my kid to ____?” "Why won't my child _____?" Have you ever found yourself asking those questions? (We’ve all been there!) We’re devoting a whole episode to this very common homeschool and parenting dilemma. Whether you're getting reluctance about a school subject, a household chore, or even a fun...